Within McDonalds this there is such diversity with every component, from the menu, working hours, services to products this is what made it unique and offered the one of a kind experience. This allows great flexibility within the business to help achieve profit and growth, without the flexibility many McDonalds would survive.
McDonalds dares to be different always introducing new ideas and doing what no other businesses do, e.g. giving to charities, Birthday parties etc we truly give our customers value they will ever forget.
Slide three- History
McDonald's was started as a drive-in restaurant by two brothers, Richard and Maurice McDonald in California, US in the year 1937. The business, which was generating $200,000 per annum in the 1940s, got a further boost with the new technology of a revolutionary concept called 'self-service.'
The brothers used assembly line procedures in their kitchen for mass production. Prices were kept low. Speed, service and cleanliness became the critical success factors of the business. By mid-1950s, the restaurant's revenues had reached $350,000.
Slide four – if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.
In the 1950’s they failed to franchise McDonalds but along came…Ray Kroc (Kroc), distributor for milkshake machines. Expressed great interest in the business, and he finalized a deal with the McDonald brothers in 1954.
He established a franchising company, the McDonald System Inc. and appointed franchisees.
In 1961, he bought out the McDonald brothers' share for $2.7 million and changed the name of the company to McDonald's Corporation. In 1965, McDonald's went public...
Slide five, six and seven –
McDonald’s slogany thing:
McDonalds always had the can do attitude and with this optimistic view on business it always stood out. When implementing the online, phone, text and fax system it has the money to invest it has the resources to achieve this there are no