Reading Goal(s): *Susan will be able to identify 15-20 sight words. *Susan will participate on a regular basis in speech, language and occupational therapies. *Susan will begin decoding words.
Written Expression Goal(s): *Susan will be able to write her numbers up to thirty. *Susan will learn to write her letters both in lowercase and in capitalization forms.
Mathematics Goal(s): *Susan will be able to identify numbers up to thirty. *Susan will be able to write numbers up to ten.
Communication Goal(s): *Susan will communicate with staff her needs and wants with words when possible. *Susan will communicate with her peers when possible. *Susan will learn to say the ABCs. *Susan will communicate with staff with simple words.
Fine Motor Goal(s): *Susan will be able to wash her hands without the picture prompts. *Susan will attempt to become toilet trained with the assistance of support staff.
Social Skills Goal(s): *Susan will learn to ask to use something instead of just taking it. *Susan will learn to resolve conflict with the help of the support staff.
Adaptive/ Daily Living Goal(s): *Susan will learn to independently change her pull-up and start potty training. *Susan will learn to keep her hands to herself. *Susan will learn to wash her hands without visual prompts.
Skill Area
Recommended Instructional Methods
Recommended Instructional Materials
Recommended Method of Evaluation
1. Susan will be able to identify 15-20 sight words. In what period of time? Using what text? How often?
How will you teach susan to identify these sight words?
What materials do you need her to accomplish this?
Maybe a tracking chart. Observation & record. Progress monitoring.