Our final project was quite hard and without imagination, it couldn’t have been done. We’ve spent a number of days and sweat to make this the finest art work we’ve ever created. It all began with the start of a chosen few that raised their hands simultaneously. And so, the legendary team was chosen, a group of five.
And on came Ninad, Alex, Ally, Menaka and Joe, together we make the team, ‘The homo sapiens’. The name was created out of fun actually, we didn’t take it seriously, then the group name stuck and a facebook group of us 5 were born. We knew there were a lot of challenges ahead of us as we’ve all faced something similar in semester 1. Time management and team work was extremely important so we split the workload. A real work of art has to be full of life; if it is lifeless and soulless or dull, it evidently lacks life. On our first day we decided to work as hard as possible, our final assignment had to be related to ‘Art in Melaka’ so our tagline was ‘Melaka, The Heart of Arts’. Then came the brainstorming of our individual sketches, we were meant to make about 5 each and we ended up making about 10 each as our first batch was not good enough. Finally, the sketches were accepted and on came ‘Design development’, here came the part where we’d have to dazzle the audience with our creativity to earn marks. There was a bit of a struggle to get the approval of our lecturer but in the end, we succeeded.
Now came the color part of our final project, this was not easy. We had to have a sense