Around 4 AM, I woke up with the same pain, it felt like I …show more content…
She told us, “You have to have appendicitis, and you need to get your appendix taken out. Fortunately it’s not ruptured, but we don’t want to take any chances so you’re having surgery sometime today.” I was (to be expected) in shock. I had never had surgery before, or been under anesthesia, so I was very nervous and scared. The surgeon said that they would do the surgery as soon as they had an opening. The only thing she could tell me is that it could be in the next hour, or I could be having it at midnight, so we didn't know what to expect. Afterwards, we went ahead and called some immediate family. Then my mom went to the house to grab a hospital bag, and get some things done at the house, as we were expecting to have to stay the …show more content…
But thankfully that didn’t happen, instead both my parents showed up. At this point it's around evening time, and my mom told me there were a lot of people in the waiting room, even just for a Tuesday. An ER is always busy. But a couple moments later it was time, time for me to get my appendix out. They wheeled me out of my ER enclosure, took me down the long, winding hallway, and up the elevator to the surgery center. I remember seeing a lot of elderly people who were looking at me, they probably wondered how someone as young as me ended up in the hospital. Anyways, I made it into a new room, and the anesthesiologist and surgeon both basically said, “Here’s what we are gonna be taking out of you today, and here’s how we’re gonna do it.” Something interesting to note is that my dad had worked with both my anesthesiologist and surgeon at Riverside Hospital