FAMILY – A Family is my learning center for life and our shelter in times of storms and problems.
RELATIONSHIP – it enhance our life experience exponentially,particularly the relationships we have with those closest and it provide a yardstick by which we can examine and live out our values--that is, when each person's values are acknowledged, respected, and equally supported within the relationship.
WORK – one of the fundamental source of learning and when you work, you develop new skills, learn new things, and create a record of employment.
COMMUNITY – it where people fits in and a group where we can shareour feelings, happiness and sorrows with our friends, realtives and other.
SPIRITUAL – it gives meaning and purpose to my everyday life and is personal and can take in any form, it is a freedom of belief and living by its principles.
❖ WHAT I DO . . .
HOME – Be a responsible individual and to do my part as a member of a family, and to work hard to achive the needs and neccesities at home. We need to learn how to relate to each other. We can do this by learning to respect each other, by making allowances for the differences in our lives.
RELATIONSHIP – To offer support and encouragement and to develop skills to maintain a happy, healty and rewarding relationship.
WORK – When you work, you contribute to the community. If you can earn money, you can buy things you need, pay your bills, have a place to live, and basically do things you want to do. You help make the economy and your community stronger. You are being a productive citizen and a valued community member.
COMMUNITY – To have sense of community and to establish peace and harmony among the society as well as division of work, feeling of association, togetherness and cooperation.
SPIRITUAL – To create a positive senses like awe, love and trust and to live simple healthier life.
HOME – We go through