
Menocal Meningitis Research Paper

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Meningococcal Meningitis Meningococcal Meningitis is rare but deadly bacterial infection that causes the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord to swell. Patients can go from healthy to extremely ill within minutes. A bacterium called Neisseria meningitidis, also known as meningococcus, causes meningococcal meningitis. THe bacteria often lives in the throat but sometimes it can break through the throat walls and move into the bloodstream, which is when it becomes menocal meningitis Neisseria meningitidis attacks the lining around the brain called meninges that then it infects the fluid running through the spinal cord The risks increase if the patient is exposed to meningococcus bacteria, it also increases if the patient …show more content…

A Doctor will do a blood or cerebrospinal fluid. Then, the doctor will test the samples to see if the infection is in it. If the infection happens to be in the test samples they will test what germ is causing it. If the bacterium Neisseria Meningitidis bacterium are in the test samples the laboratories can grow it. Growing it allows to let doctors know what the specific type of bacteria is causing the infection. Knowing what type of bacteria it is helps doctors decide what antibiotic will work best for the …show more content…

If a reddish purple rash is very important to look out for. If the patient develops this rash is may be a sign of blood poisoning. If an older child or young adult gets meningococcal meningitis they will have many similar symptoms but some different ones; difficulty walking, unintelligible speech, moaning, and collapsing. Babies will have; fever, refusing to feed, diarrhea, and dislike being

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