Introduction Leaders are considered as the significant aspect in communities or organizations. The impact of leaders can lead organizations to the success or adversely to the failure in achieving their goals. Many perspectives on this theme had created comprehensive understanding and may be used in many different contexts. The meaning of leader and leadership and other debatable issues associated in its construct should be understood in its context and perspective.
Definition of leadership in this topic will focus on knowledge, skills, abilities and traits of the leader in the process of influencing other people or followers to do what the leader want. This definition is proposed by Barker (1997) in possibilities of leadership training which define leadership and management in the same way. To focus on the leadership as a management function is more rationalistic but it is more possible to adapt in organizational practices.
In their act to lead or their behaviors to influence other people in organization, leaders have their own values and styles which are different from one another and to be owned originally. These values and styles are shaped by many factors along developmental process. In the process to become a leader, a person is influenced by many agencies, i.e.: parents, families, friends, colleges, educations, experiences, etc. Those agencies interact in complicated ways and shape leadership values and styles. One important agency is mentor which is a person who plays a role as guru, coach, model in the process of learning become leaders.
Mentor-protégé existence is recorded since the old history and has varied interpretations in its practices. However, mentor-protégé relationship is proved as a useful method for leaders to develop their leadership role. Mentoring as a means in organization has attracted many researches to study its role and dynamic since it is used to increase personal
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