I asked her how she included kailyn in her program so she would feel safe and welcome. She replied: although most of the children I have in my program are of Hispanic origin, I try to know about other cultures and their customs, I also like the children to recognize that we all have feelings, although our skin color, hair, eyes, etc. be different. That is why, he told me, in every area of the daycare we have different articles that demonstrate the diversity of culture, even when programming my activities, I try to involve everything that is possible about what the kaylin mama has talked to me about and her Culture, even in the food we consider the tastes of families.
Personally, I consider that the teacher and her helpers are doing a very good job, because when observing the girl I could feel that she feels part of the program and that the other children do not see her different, and even she has a lot of charisma for them to play with her.
For her part, the teacher seems to be very familiar with the kaylin family, because when she tells me that she talks to her mother about the children's tastes, the fact that in each area they have different toys and photos from different cultures let me know that Is trying to make both children and mom feel welcome in their