University of Phoenix Material
Conflict Management Plan
1. Identify the available conflict management strategies and their strengths and weaknesses.
|Strategy |Strengths |Weaknesses |
| | | |
|Accommodating- giving the opposing party |One party is willing to place the other |The accommodating party could hold a grudge |
|what they want. |parties interests above their own. |against the other party. |
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|Avoiding- when a party recognizes that a |By delaying or ignoring the conflict, you |A problem can only be avoided for so long |
|conflict exists and withdraws from it.
|hope the problem will work itself out |before one of the parties forces a |
| |without confrontation. |confrontation. |
| | | |
|Collaborating- when the parties’ involved |Coming up with a solution that all parties |Coming to an agreement that all parties are |
|desire to satisfy the concerns of everyone|can agree on. |happy with can be very time consuming. |
|involved. | | |
| | | |
|Compromising- no one wins or loses. Both |Willing to ration the conflict and accept |The time it takes to come to a compromise
|parties’ work together to solve the |giving up a part of the problem in order to|might not be acceptable for every situation.|
|conflict, with each party giving up |keep the peace. | |
|something. | | |
| | | |
|Competing- when one party doesn’t care |One party wins. |One party loses. |
|what happens to the other party as long as| | |
|the first party gets what they want. | | |
2. Which of the available conflict management strategies is most appropriate for the current situation with David and James? Provide your rationale, including what factors you considered in making your selection. Your response should be at least 100 words.
For this conflict I think the most appropriate solution is compromising. If David and James sit down face-to-face with their managers and discuss the problems that they are having with each other. This will allow them to work out their differences while avoiding the he said/she said that can come from one party meeting with management at a time. It is very likely that the things that are said are being taken out of context and sitting down one-on-one will help eliminate any confusion that each party has. When too many people are talking about things that are said, it turns into a game of telephone, no one knows what was really said except for the person that said it. The air needs to be cleared so that David and James can continue with their jobs, and so that the conflict does not spread to other employees.
3. If the selected strategy is not successful, what is your alternate strategy? Provide your rationale for this selection. Your response should be at least 100 words.
If the conflict cannot be resolved by compromising, the next best thing would be to try avoiding. David and James might not be able to come to a mutual agreement with their own problems, but they might be able to set them aside for the time being to accomplish the bigger goal. David and James do not have to avoid each other in this situation, just the personal problems that they are having with each other. Asking employees to set aside personal issues may not be good in the long run, but it just might be good enough to accomplish the task at hand and be dealt with thoroughly afterwards.
4. What potential roadblocks might be encountered in resolving the conflict? How would you address these? Your response should be at least 100 words.
The potential roadblocks that might be encountered include, taking too much time to come to a mutual agreement. Not being able to satisfy both David and James to the extent that they are both happy with in a timely manner could cause you to lose time on your project, or even miss deadlines. Another possible roadblock could be that this issue between David and James is just the tip of the iceberg. The issues run deeper than we originally thought, and with the things that we have going on we just do not have the time to properly deal with them.
We will address these roadblocks by putting David and James on different projects. This will allow us to still move forward with the task at hand without having to fully satisfy David or James.