The Stratigic Planning Process begins with creating a “strategic toolbox” for project implantation and planning in any organization. Identifying the criteria for developing effective Mission and Vision Statements is where this process begins. (MGT 599/Module1-SLP) In conducting research in identifying the most crucial criteria for developing the most effective Mission and Vision Statements, I have concluded the following; (Stratigic Planning, 2007)
Mission Vs. Vision Statements Many will agree in the business world that the Mission and Vision Statements have kind of blended together and thus caused a lot of confusing for many to decipher what they are and the differences between them. In an article by; Janell Evans, Psychology Today; Vision and Mission - What's the difference and why does it matter? April, ,2010); reiterates this notion. Evans goes on to clarify the differences and how to maintain the differentiation of both while guarding the integrity of the blended intent of both together and individually. With this, I was able to make the distinctions and similarities as follows:
Mission Statement
A company’s Mission statement must be in-line with the operations and actions of the company. It is an “articulate” way of expressing the WHO, WHAT, WHY, and the WHERE. Whereas; companies Vision Statement expresses the HOW of what the company does. (MGT. 599/Backround/Mission/Visions/Goals,2014) (McNamara,2009)
Mission Statement Criteria
Establishes and describes Organizations Purpose
Speaks to the people it serves
States its product or service
Distinguishes from others in industry
Mission specifically Is within reach of adherence
Culture of company is reflected (Welch,2012)
Vision Statement
A company’s vision statements often are comparable to their mission statements as in a company’s objectives. However, its distinguished by creating an imagery of HOW the Mission of the companies objectives are carried out and speaks