Civil rights can many different things to many different people. They are basically the rights that protect a person’s freedom. They also guarantee that a person is able to participate in civil life without being discriminated against. Civil rights include the guarantee of people’s safety from discrimination against anything such as race, mental or physical disability, gender, age religion, etc. Also citizens may be ensured physical safety. Civil rights are included in the Bill of Rights. According to the Constitution our first amendment rights include the freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition, and religion. There is also the right to vote. The right to vote has always been a sore subject in American History. Many people fought for the right to vote. Eventually the right to vote was given people of all races, genders, religion, or disability.
There was an entire movement based on civil rights. The Civil Rights Movement consisted of a lot of marches, boycotts, sit-ins, and many more things. It was basically a movement for freedom and equal rights. Most people just wanted to vote, but it soon grew to much more. It was a worldwide political movement. The movement’s supporters were mostly African Americans. Others were people who thought that there should be equal rights everywhere. There was a big controversy in the United States the movement was organized to abolish racial discrimination in public or in private. Things such as Jim Crow Laws degraded the African Americans especially in the southern states. Because of these laws racial violence and segregation was supported by the government. There were many litigation and lobbying attempts from the NAACP. By 1955 African Americans became frustrated by the gradual attempts to implement desegregation and the “massive resistance” from the whites. The African Americans adopted a strategy called civil disobedience. There were many different types of civil disobedience such as boycotts,