Michael Crawford, known as Mike by his family and expansive group of friends, was born on September 12, 1963 in Tyler, TX. He has always lived in Tyler except for the few years he spent in Waco during college and early adulthood. He speaks fondly of Tyler describing the community there as being a family. His childhood and time spent in early high school was ideal. He was attractive, athletic, and popular with his peers.
During the spring premiere football game in May of his sophomore …show more content…
He was happy to return to high school in November of his junior year. Having been relatively popular at a large school, the transition was not too difficult. His peers and teachers knew him, his family, and his story well so they were more than happy to help him in anyway.
College was another story. It was difficult to transition to a new place where no one knew him or what had happened. Mike spoke of his freshman year at SMU saying, “I was just the scrawny kid in the wheelchair.” SMU was his school of choice because it was one of the two schools in Texas that were handicap accessible and because one of his friends offered to live and care with him. While at SMU, he made many friends even joined a fraternity, but he did not feel a sense of community there. He decided to transfer to Baylor during his sophomore year.
While at Baylor, Mike was pre-law with a major in Real Estate. Baylor Law School was an easy choice. He loved Baylor and all the opportunities it gave him. During law school, he was able to study abroad in London and Scotland, even making a weekend trip over to Switzerland. There were many things that he was unable to do purely because he was not physically able or things were not handicap accessible. Still, he spoke very fondly of this time saying “it changed everything.” Some of his friends helped him overcome his barriers by carrying him up to Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh,