1. Devise a title for each of the two experiments you did :
(i), Experiment 1 demonstrated the growth of bacteria when placed in liquid nutrient broth culture, the number of species present had increased in growth.
(ii) Experiment 2 illustrated the growth of bacteria when placed on different surfaces of solid agar plates which included: nutrient agar, CLED agar and MacConkey agar; the number of species present also had increased in growth.
2(A). Experiment 1: Choose 2 words that describe the appearance of the pre –incubation broth:
(i) Straw yellow (½) (ii) Transparent .(½)
2 (B). Choose two words that describe the appearance of the post-incubation broth:
(i) Turbidity .(½) (ii) Pellicle formation (½)
3. Complete the table below to show your post-incubation observations in Experiment 2
Nutrient Agar
MacConkey Agar
Appearance of agar before incubation
Pale yellow
Appearance of the colonies for each species on each type of agar
E.coli – Shiny white/clear with rough outer edges.
P.aeruginosa – Matte white/clear with smooth outer edges
B.subsilis – Matte white/clear with rough outer edges.
E.coli – opaque yellow colony produced.
P.aeruginosa – green colony produced
B.subsilis – pale blue colony produced
E.coli – orange colony produced
P.aeruginosa – white colony produced
B.subsilis – pale orange colony produced.
Appearance of Agar surrounding each species following incubation
E.coli – Yellow
P.aeruginosa – Blue
B.subsilis – Pale Blue
E.coli – Orange
P.aeruginosa – Orange
B.subsilis – Orange
4 (A). Describe what is meant by the term aseptic