ERP systems for managing companies have been, and are, a key factor in business development. Its continuous evolution, have passed being a mere tool, to be a competitive and strategic element, even to generate new business models based on their development. These systems have been forced to evolve dramatically in recent times to accommodate different, rapid and significant advances both technological, and in terms of policies and philosophies of management in the company. Currently, the information systems for business management are in continuous process improvement, companies that develop these systems as Microsoft dedicate much of their resources to research, development and innovation. Microsoft Dynamics ERP is software that allows companies of all sizes to manage their entire business organizations, including supply chain, procurement, human resources, financials, and projects. Because this solution touches so many pieces of a business, these ERP solutions collect data to provide you with insights into where you can gain efficiencies, cut costs, or make additional investments (Microsoft Dynamics, 2015).
Microsoft Dynamics is a product line that includes Microsoft CRM, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics SL, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, etc.
1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
CRM is a hybrid business solution that can increase sales and marketing efficiency. Also, it is a powerful set of tools, applications, and platforms that in combination drive optimization of business intelligence, social insights, campaign management, and many other key customer relationship matters. CRM offers a full range of software with product integration not only for Office 365 and Power BI but also Yammer, Lync, Skype and many other social conferencing systems that employees, customers and business partners already use.
The combination of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, Office 365, and Power BI is now available
References: Microsoft Dynamics (2015). Microsoft Dynamics ERP. Retrieved from Microsoft Dynamics CRM (2015). Customer Relationship Management. Retrieved from Microsoft Dynamics (2015). Microsoft Dynamics AX. Retrieved from Microsoft Dynamics (2015). Microsoft Dynamics GP. Retrieved from Microsoft Dynamics (2015) Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Retrieved from