As a girl, I think the dress code is pretty fair. I really don't believe we want to wear short shorts and mini skirts and spaghetti straps, I think we just want to just look impressive. I think it's perfectly fine for us to wear t-shirts and jeans, because we don't need to wear holey jeans and low shirts. It's not much of a problem for guys, they don't barely even care what they wear. But on the other hand, girls care much more about their appearance. I think the dress code is a bit unfair to high schoolers, because they are able to wear more of what they want in their older age, but in middle school, I think it's fine. I mean, we don't want all the little 10 and 11 year old kids looking up to 13 year olds with skimpy clothing, it's just a bad role model for them. But I kind of don't understand what the whole spaghetti strap thing is about.…