Academic Strategies 2:Draft "The Army is a values based organization. We inculcate our soldiers with the need to treat all with dignity and respect. We enforce standards, and when our soldiers fail to meet these standards, we take appropriate action."(insert citation here) George B. Wright, an Army spokesman spoke these words following the death of a soldier, Danny Chen, who was hazed by his fellow soldiers. The story of Danny unfortunately is not an uncommon one. Danny is one of many teenagers who experiences a form of hazing. Hazing is defined as, "to harass by banter, ridicule or criticism" (Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition--CORRECT CITE) Hazing occurs not only in the military but through many different venues. The act of hazing often has life altering results like in the story of Danny. …show more content…
Danny Chen, a nineteen year old soldier along with five other soldiers were singled out by their peers.
The reason for this was because they were felt to be "week soldiers". Danny, several times would fall asleep while on guard duty and often forgot his helmet. These mistakes led to his fellow soldiers feeling the need to provide corrective training, in order to, rectify this situation. Over a period of six weeks, the soldiers corrective training was not only against army policy but also was considered to be a form of hazing. A simple mistake that broke the camel's back was when Danny neglected to turn off the water pump in the shower. The punishment that was handed out by fellow soldiers was dragging him across a gravel yard on his back until he bled. This treatment continued with the soldiers pelting rocks at him and taunting him with nicknames like, "Dragon Lady, Gook and Chink". Finally, Danny decided to end this torture. He took the barrel of his rifle placed it up against his chin and pulled the
trigger. The image behind a Military or Navy Solider is respect, and therefore does not tolerate hazing in the military or in the Navy. Hazing in the military is looked at as a societal problem which breaks the trust and confidence in the Armed forces. Hazing is also a war fighting issue due to the fact that it destroys the confidence and trust Marines place in each other. Hazing doesn’t not promote loyalty and or trust. The commandant of the Marine Corps wants to ensure that all soldiers are treated with dignity and respect, and encourages anyone who witnesses hazing to report it immediately.