It is the key to our life’s improvement, the pedestal for us to see our future brighter and the answer to all our questions. According to 2012 survey of educational attainment in US, America only has 30.94% of students who finish college and have their bachelor’s degree. This means that a lot of young generation now a day is having trouble to get the education they need. Going to college you need to pass through a lot of obstacle this might be financially, emotionally, physically and mentally. How many are we who need to work and go to school at the same time? Do we have enough support system to finish what we started? Can I still provide the needs of my family if I went back to school? These are only few questions we always ask ourselves every time we think of going back to
It is the key to our life’s improvement, the pedestal for us to see our future brighter and the answer to all our questions. According to 2012 survey of educational attainment in US, America only has 30.94% of students who finish college and have their bachelor’s degree. This means that a lot of young generation now a day is having trouble to get the education they need. Going to college you need to pass through a lot of obstacle this might be financially, emotionally, physically and mentally. How many are we who need to work and go to school at the same time? Do we have enough support system to finish what we started? Can I still provide the needs of my family if I went back to school? These are only few questions we always ask ourselves every time we think of going back to