Complete the worksheet below and print it out to help you plan your career.
1. Here’s a list of some different career interest areas. Read each description and consider how much it sounds like you. Rank each from 1-7 with 1 being most of interest to you and 7 least.
|Interest |Description |Rank |
|Business |You like meeting people, talking, discussing and leading others. |1 |
|Outdoor |You like to work and move about outside. You may enjoy physical exercise and|5 |
| |care about animals and the environment. | |
|Creative |You like expressing yourself freely and dealing with ideas. You like to |6 |
| |design and create things. | |
|Office |You like working indoors on structured tasks that involve organising and |2 |
| |being accurate. | |
|Scientific |You like to discover ideas, observe, investigate and experiment. You are |4 |
| |methodical and like to understand why things happen. | |
|People contact |You like to work with people or are concerned about their welfare. |3