When people think of meditation they tend to think of tree-hugging hippies and people sitting in a circle humming. There is so much more to meditation and how it can benefit one’s life. People have been practicing Meditation for thousands of years, but it was not until a few hundred years ago that people started practicing it for reasons other than religion. Two of the most commonly practiced forms of meditation are mindfulness meditation and concentration meditation. Meditation is commonly practiced nowadays to connect with one’s mind. Even though meditation usually is not thought of as a health treatment, meditating can improve one's psychological, physiological, and social health.
Psychological Health
Psychological …show more content…
“Mindfulness is an integrative, mind-body based approach that helps people change the way they think and feel about their experiences, especially stressful experiences” (“Mental Health” 2010). Mindfulness meditation allows one to think clearly about certain experiences and events that are causing them stress in their life. They can look at why it is causing them stress, in a calm fashion, and try to let go of it. Transcendental meditation has also been used to help relieve stress.
A study of Vietnam War veterans suffering from PTSD demonstrated that after three months of doing the Transcendental Meditation technique, symptoms such as alcohol usage, high startle response, emotional numbness and anxiety decreased as compared to a control group who received only psychotherapy (Pomfrey, n.d.).
Meditation is a safe and effective way to relieve stress.
Concentration a
Meditation boosts concentration and memory. Meditation is one of the most powerful techniques that can be used to improve concentration. Practicing certain methods of meditation can improve one’s concentration because the meditation method involves getting in a comfortable position and focusing on one thing and trying to clear one’s mind of all other distractions. Mindfulness meditation is focusing on the present …show more content…
The method was developed by Wim Hof, a 60 year old dutchman who can withstand extreme cold because of his meditation practice. Part of the Wim Hof method is breathing. It starts with the individual doing 30-40 power breaths. Power breaths are breathing in all the way and then breathing out a little. This increases the oxygen content being carried by the blood. The increased oxygen content reaches the inflamed area and helps reduce the swelling. There is inflammation caused by Hypoxia, which is is when there isn't enough oxygen reaching the tissues. Swelling due to Hypoxia can be reduced because of the increase of oxygen being carried by the