FALL 2014
College of Business Mission
To be a highly respected college of business that develops professionals with the personal dedication, ethics and lifelong learning capabilities needed to succeed professionally and to serve society. We work as a diverse community promoting excellence in learning, teaching, scholarship, and service.
Academic Integrity
Students enrolled in College of Business classes are expected to maintain high standards of ethical conduct within the classroom and when completing assignments, projects, and/or exams. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty such as cheating will not be tolerated. Students are expected to provide appropriate citations for non-original writing even if the original work is paraphrased. Penalties for plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty may be severe.
Professional Standards
All students in this course are expected to be familiar with the "College of Business Standards of Professional Behavior and Ethical Conduct." (refer to Please note that only bottled water may be consumed in the classroom wing of the College of Business Building and that all cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off and stored away during classes, unless permission is otherwise granted by the instructor. [Faculty please insert your penalties here or elaborate in the section under “Grading Policies”.]
COURSE INFORMATION Instructor: Dr. Horace L. Melton Course Number & Title: Marketing 230 – Introduction to Marketing Management Prerequisites: ECO 105 (or ECO 101 and ECO 102) or ECO 103 Credit Hours: 3.0 hours Time and Location: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Tuesday & Thursday, Section 3, SFHB 357
Phone: (309) 438-3845 E-mail: Office Location: SFHB 227 Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:45 - 10:45 AM and by