• Major decisions in Production.
• Pricing strategy
• Major challenges faced by the Entrepreneur.
The researcher aims to find out how:
• The major decisions in production affect Pastry Palace Bakery.
• The Pricing Strategy affects the support from consumers.
• The major challenges faced by the Entrepreneur.
By the end of this research, the researcher should:
• Become aware of how the factors affecting the operations of Pastry Palace impacts on the business.
• Understand how these factors could be corrected to aid in the proper functioning of the business.
• Understand all the operations that take place in the business.
Methodology Employed
In order to retrieve information for the successful completion of this research, the methods used to collect data was; questionnaire, interview and observation.
The use of questionnaire was chosen for the following reasons:
• Capable of useful analysis.
• An immediate response is not required.
• It guarantees confidentiality since respondents are not required to write their names.
A questionnaire with a sum of ten (10) questions; nine (9) open ended questions and one (1) closed ended question was given to the entrepreneur to ensure that information given would be precise and factual.
Another primary source of data collection was also used to retrieve necessary information for the successful completion of the research.
Observations were done on the operations of the business. This sources of data collection provided information that the questionnaire could not have provided.
Since the researcher was an employee at the Pastry Palace Bakery on working experience, she had observed the operations that take place in the business and who are the persons assigned to specific tasks in the business.
Description of Business The business to be investigated
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