* Phones can be silenced during class or study periods, and active only in appropriate places.…
There is more than one side to the debate about cell phone availability during school. One claim is that students should be allowed to have their phones on them and use their cell phones during appropriate times. In the article, the authors provide details about how there are numerous reasons why cell phones should be allowed during school. Students should be allowed access to cell phones, because if they are responsible enough to be going off to college in a year or so, they should be responsible enough to have a cell phone on them and use it wisely (George and Cook). Another reason why cell phones should be allowed in school is because otherwise it can create a divide between the students and the teachers. Students are so invested in their phones, so if a teacher…
One reason that phones should be allowed in schools is because if you need to make an emergency call to your parents, you could make the call right then and there. Insteaed of waiting to be able to go to the office and hopefully be able to call them.…
"The ban, which was implemented by the Bloomberg administration, went into effect in 2006, but Mayor Bill De Blasio championed the policy change, saying that he thought it was important for parents to be able to easily contact their kids." (Kiema) Some teachers think it would be nice if cell phones weren't allowed in school but since they are they should use them to their advantage. As soon as the new policy is in place starting in March, individual schools in New York City will be able to establish their own policies concerning cell phone use in the classroom, leaving many teachers to determine how they will react to the phones in hallways and classrooms. Students should be aloud to have their phones because it is also a way for parents to contact their kids during school hours or vice versa. It should also be aloud if the students have practice and then it got cancelled so they would have to call their parents and tell them about the change in plans. Truth is that some schools are open to the cell phone idea and some aren't.…
Cell phones may be a very useful tool in school because they contain multiple uses including a camera, a messaging system, a calculator, and even a web browser on some models. This may sound like a good suggestion to have one in school, but allowing cell phones in school is not a good idea. Many students will abuse their cell phones abilities like texting in class which will distract the student and prevent the student from learning. Therefore, cell phones should not be allowed in school because it will lure the student to use it and it will cause many problems for the student and the teacher.…
In many schools there is not enough computers for every student. Cell phones can be used as a tool rather than something that is prohibited. If students have their cell phones, they…
Argument 1: Allowing phones in school can be used in emergencies and knowing their whereabouts.…
Most school administrations regard cell phone use as disruptive and distracting, and have implemented policies that prohibits using them on school grounds. Cell phones are a disruption in school. Text messaging can be used to cheat on tests. Students who are text messaging are not able to give full attention to the lesson. If a student cell phone rings in class, it totally disrupts the class for a considerable period of time. Many cell phones are also camera phones. Camera phones present an invasion of privacy in the schools . One of the best ways we can protect the privacy of every student is to ban cell phones from school during the school day.…
A third reason on why cell phones and smart phones should be allowed in school is that it’s convenient. A student at West Potomac High School in Alexandria, Va., says, “My…
As technology advances, cell phones become a frequently used object. Cellphones are becoming a big deal in classrooms. They remain a vast disruption to fellow classmates, and I believe they shouldn't be permitted.…
Also in the article lift the cell phone ban it say that there is a stereotype of teens that can't be trusted with phones. So we really don't need cell phones at schools because we already have them in every class. Meda creek already banned phones so us fifth graders will not have them next years so why do we need them this year ? Well the answer is we don’t. Lets all face it Cell phones are a big part of our lives, we use them as our alarm clocks,as are notepads,to communicate and…
Cell phones should be allowed if the first number in their contact list is an emergency one for the student. That way a student in trouble or ill or hurt is only a call away from a parent or guardian.…
Mobile phones are a great tool to have if you need to look up information on the internet for research on a topic, to connect people all over the world, and to keep up with your school work from wherever you are. Phones are a great way to communicate with a person. Although talking through a phone is not as good as talking face-to-face, you can talk to someone across the world in seconds by dialing a number and pressing…
n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher, https://sks.sirs.com. Phones should be allowed in the classroom. They should have the option…
Even though this can be a good use of cell phones, this privilege is often misused. Students often lie about who they are talking to on their phones. They sometimes are cyber bullying or sexting online over school hours. This needs to stop because it can be harmful to the well being of people. If students use their phones they should be monitored of who they are talking to at school and at home. They can also abuse this by "Secretly taking inappropriate photographs of other students and distributing them" , as stated by Jon in the article.…