Molok provides an innovative idea of waste management disposal systems offering a more hygienic, resourceful, and ecological way to collected waste, recyclables and organics. Molok Ltd produces waste containers that are suitable to for park applications, single and multi-family residential, commercial and restaurants worldwide.
The waste system is installed partially underground taking advantage of the laws of nature, gravity and coolness of the earth to maximize waste management capacities in a minimum space. The containers are resistant to nature, effectively odorless and very appealing. The Malok system is the most cost-effective waste management method available today that contributes with a less environmental impact by exhaust emissions.
Molok® Deep CollectionTM containers offer ultimate advantages compared to traditional collection methods. The size of Molok® containers range from 0.4 to 6.5 yrd3 (300 to 5,000 litres).
physical description of the product or service being offered;
- features and benefits of the product or service being offered;
- details of any proprietary aspects of the product or service offered;
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- if the company is not an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), detail the functions fulfilled by the company, i.e. what services does it offer?
• key milestones in the company’s development, these can be both good and bad experiences as lenders in particular like to see businesses that have survived adversity as it speaks to their ability to survive crises; milestones may consist of expansions undertaken, markets entered, sales levels met, type of