
Monologue For To Kill A Mockingbird

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Monologue For To Kill A Mockingbird
Theme: Judgement
`` It was dead silence the only thing that could be heard was the wind blowing outside when all of the sudden I heard something squirming under my bed. It couldn't have been Jem. It was time for bed. We had already brushed our teeth and combed our hair. Atticus even read with me. I was tucked in all nice and cozy. But then what was under my bed. I was so scared. I knew Jem would make fun of me when he found out I got scared by something under my bed. I had to look for myself, I don't know how I got enough courage to look but I did. I looked over the side of my bed and in the moonlight I could see Dill.
Well I was so mad at him for scaring me half to death, that I pulled him out from under my bed. Asked him what he was thinking
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Have you ever seen any of this? Dill asked curiously. Maybe he’s really lonely, and wants someone to talk to. Maybe we should go talk to him. It's not like he's going to attack us in the middle of the day, He will probably invite us in for cookies or something. Said Dill. No he's going to go insane if he seen us on his lawn. I'll go on that old man's lawn when hell freezes over.
They hear the wind blowing outside and a cool breeze moves swiftly through the room. Dill wraps himself in one of Scouts fuzzy blankets. It's late at night but the topic is still being discussed. About an hour into talking they can hear someone in the kitchen. They got quiet knowing that if there caught they will be in trouble. Dill should not be in Scout's room this late at night. Atticus had gotten up to get a drink of water. Finally they can hear the footsteps go back to the room from witch they came
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So Boo Radley could be fine now. When's his birthday we should throw him a party”, rejoiced Dill. You must have been dropped as a child weren't you? He hasn't seen a human or had a conversation outside of his house in how many years we would give him a heart attack if we surprised him with a party. Plus we don't know when his birthday is, and nobody would show up. Everyone is afraid of him. We should do something though for him to come out and start getting used to people again. I bet he's all alone locked up in that old creepy house. Dill trembled, “Maybe he's tied up and needs help ns that's why nobody ever sees him”. No no don't be dumb they wouldn't have him locked up in his own house or at least I hope not. We should try and befriend him I’m sure he wouldn't mind too much. We could even ask him to come out and play with us. If town folks see him with us I’m sure they can trust and, start being his friend

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