
Monologue Of A Fourth Girl

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Monologue Of A Fourth Girl

Y/N = Your name
H/C = Hair Color
L/N = Last Name



Of course he brought another girl here, what this is the fourth girl this week? They all get heartbroken after on one night but mine doesn't just get broken no, it shatters into tiny pieces that just make you to the point where you're a robot with no emotion.

I hear giggles in the kitchen.

Soon it became full on laughter.

Jealousy swelled up inside me. My heart clenching on even the smallest sound they make. Sexual or not. I couldn't take it anymore I was to in love with him to handle it. It hurts, it really does.

I sighed and started getting up from my bed that was all a disaster. From my black shorts and white T-shirt I changed into black ripped jeans with this flannel looking
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"Oh you know just somewhere around, I just don't want to be here at the moment." I glanced at the window that had the blinds slightlt open, I see him pulling her into his room both of them smiling without a care.

"Okay, and just becareful okay? Have your phone on at all times so we can text you or you us for anything okay?

I nodded. Turned around again. Got in the car. And left.

It was dark but I wasn't afraid of it, I found it peacful and calming. All I hear is just my car humming and small radio music. I wasn't really sure where I was going but just drove around for a bit.

There was this spot that Toddy took me for the first time on this cliff when my mother passed away and that also used to be the spot where him and I used to hang out a lot. So I drove there, even though I try to avoid that has anything that has to do with him.

I parked the car beside the road because there are no road trails to the cliff and started walking. Tall trees cover the sky and I hear owls howling and some of those bugs that make noise.

My feet made crunching sounds and the cold air started blowing harder so I pull my Jacket closer to my body as I slightly
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His cologne and mintyness hit my nostrils I didn't know if 'mintyness' was a word but that's how I described it.


"I-i texted and texted b-but you didn't answer so I went looking for hours and guessed here. Why didn't you answer?" He sounded out of breath because of the run probably.

"I turned off my phone." I answered a bit cold. What can I say he's actually making me feel physical pain because my heart is. . .cracking and shattering.

"I was so worried." My eyes still closed so I don't know if he was telling the truth by has facial expression.

"Sure you were." Sarcasm filled my voice.

"I really was!" He rasied his voice a bit but what caught me is I heard a quiver in his voice like he was about to cry. Yeah right.

"I'm sure you were busy with whoever you were busy with." Anger bubbled up in my voice.

I got up and started walking to my car without even looking.

"Why do you care!? You always avoid me like some disease! Do you know how that feels!?" He shouts.

"Oh so you don't think it bothers me when you keep bringing girls over almost every night when I'm in the house hearing everything!?" I throw my hands up in the air turning around staring at him dead in the eyes. Tears slowly developt in

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