The scariest monster I have encountered in literature or film would be the mysterious demon in Jeepers Creepers. The demon feeds off of human flesh and bones of as many humans as possible for 23 days every 23rd spring. The demon creeper dresses in heavy boots, an old hat, he has wings and is capable of messing with power and wind creating an even more scary scene. This causes more alarm and panic for his prey he is stalking and hunting. He has underground caves filled with bodies, body parts and weapons. He is also capable of driving and has a truck with a license plate that says “BEATNGU.” All of his qualities are close to human like, special and sneaky so no one is exactly terrified and panicked until they come in contact, or
The scariest monster I have encountered in literature or film would be the mysterious demon in Jeepers Creepers. The demon feeds off of human flesh and bones of as many humans as possible for 23 days every 23rd spring. The demon creeper dresses in heavy boots, an old hat, he has wings and is capable of messing with power and wind creating an even more scary scene. This causes more alarm and panic for his prey he is stalking and hunting. He has underground caves filled with bodies, body parts and weapons. He is also capable of driving and has a truck with a license plate that says “BEATNGU.” All of his qualities are close to human like, special and sneaky so no one is exactly terrified and panicked until they come in contact, or