The four nutritional or exercise goals that I have come up with is to exercise at least 30 minutes a day for five days a week. Also for nutrition I can add more vegetables and fruits to my diet. An example would be when going out to eat I could substitute vegetables for french-fries or fruits in place of pies. Another exercise goal would be to start using the pedometer that I bought several months ago while I was working. I can use it to set goals for myself by adding more steps in my daily routine throughout each day. Nutritional wise I can start by planning ahead by making my shopping list for meals and snacks for a week so this way I will now exactly what I am going for before I…
First I had to determine my daily requirements by using a calorie calculator. I was able use the weight loss calculator to determine the time and calorie deficit required to reach my target weight. For my optimal weight loss I reduced my calories to 15-20% below maintenance. When I did not make progress I increased this later, the larger my deficit produced, the quicker my body caught on. I learn that my first step should be to increase my activity levels. By me creating a larger calorie deficit, I had to exercise, cardio to burn calories, resistance training to maintain muscle mass.…
Oftentimes, people have trouble making the changes necessary to help them lose weight and sticking to them when first starting a diet. Diets can be hard for people to commit to, but once you get into the groove, they are fairly simple to follow. The problem is that getting into that groove of avoiding certain foods and consuming less can take some time.…
Last year I was prit near 375 lbs and I knew something had to give. I have tried, low fat, low cal, counting macros and everything. I always still would gain! I would eat veggies and lean meat keeping under 1200 calories sometimes 800 when frustrated, I'd still wake up weighing more. Well to be honest, I believe the food pyramid is very, very inaccurate. I sometimes watch shows like my 600 lb life, for motivation for myself, because I need it still! I was to a point in my life I couldn't walk or stand more than 5 minutes! I'd have to sit on a chair to do dishes, I felt useless anymore honestly. One day something clicked and I seen a friend who posted about her 210 lb weight loss and started to read. I was blown away! I started it and I won't lie, I went out with a bang! Made a huge chocolate cake 13x9 and we ate half of it. I canned the rest. Within the first 3 days I was 5 lbs down! I couldn't believe it, without any exercise! People say oh you can't do that, but you can! You simply have to eat the RIGHT foods! 60% carbs isn't for us! That's what was set up by a group of people who think they know everything! They don't! But anyways if you want to learn how to eat the correct macros and learn to lose weight without worry, then this is for you! Ooh you have to give up some things! But tell yourself YOU'RE WORTH IT! I know what it feels like to hurt everyday and not be able to function and go out to the store cause you just cannot walk.…
give your self a goal to help you get motivated. look at pictures. make sure this is something you are doing for your self not for someone else.…
I have already cut out junk food. I have encouraged my mother to buy more fruits instead of chips as snacks and she agreed so knowing that my family is behind me it will keep me motivated.…
My first goal was to complete a 200 pound bench press. I selected this goal because I wanted more power in football. My second goal was to do 75 consecutive push ups. I chose this goal because push ups are a great exercise to increase your bench press. My third goal was to get really cut and lower my body fat percentage. I increase cardio and changed to a healthier diet to achieve this goal. My fourth goal was to weight 150lbs. I chose this goal because having some extra weight will help me on the football field. I tried to make these goals reasonable and with a lot of hard work I was able to achieve 2 of them.…
Self-controllable: The goal is to lose weight and I’ll make sure I don’t go hard on my body at the start and gradually increase my pace as I get in to the groove of exercising.…
Motivation can help and hinder the choices an individual makes, sometimes simultaneously. People act and behave various ways and some people may never be understood or why may never be pinpointed. However, every action or behavior is an impulse of an experience or the potential of that individual. Whether it is to achieve a goal, better themselves, or gain success people will act or behave certain ways through their specific form of motivation.…
During week one I did not reached my weekly goal of two pounds lost, by a few ounces, the reason the goal was not achieved is because I cheated and had pizza for lunch two out of seven days and I also broke down and had some soda. The obstacles I encountered was temptation and it got the best of me I usually have lunch with my work team and the first two days of the week where when I ate pizza on the third day I told one of my…
My specific goal is to lose ten pounds by the end of the semester. By doing this I can be happy with my weight and fit into a size three. This goal will be measured by weighing myself every day in the morning before I go to school. I will know my goal is accomplished when I step on the scale and see the number 110. Losing ten pounds will be very challenging but it will still be attainable. It will be challenging because I’m not used to working out on a daily basis and it will take time to make it a daily routine. In order to achieve my goal I need to participate in P.E and so some sort of activity daily. My goal is realistic and I am more than committed to my goal. I want to reach this goal because I want a perfect swimsuit body for California this summer. My goal is relevant to my life purpose because if I get in the habit to work out every day at a young age, I can continue when I am an adult. Achieving this goal will help me lead the life that I want to have because I won’t have to be self-conscious about my weight and I will be happy.…
Get a diet diary. This could be an asset to a successful weight loss plan. Find some time to spare each day to list down the food you have eaten, and how much of it.Also, jot down how you feel at that very moment. Was it a sense of contentment, or guilt from overeating? A food diary can provide a considerable amount of self-awareness.…
set a specific goal to lose 2cm off your waistline or to walk 5 miles at an aerobically challenging pace “I want to read 3 chapter books of 100 pages on my own before my birthday”. When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the exhilaration of achievement that spurs you on to continued effort required to reach your goals set a goal of eating a piece of fruit each day instead of one sweet item. You can then choose to work towards reducing the amount of sweet products gradually as and when this feels realistic for you..…
My personal goal is to lose 20 pounds. I want to do this for health reasons. To accomplish this goal, I will exercise more and eat better. I will schedule one hour of exercise into my daily schedule. I will also purchase healthier snacks, so instead of buying chips and cookies for snacks, I will start getting fruits and vegetables. To track my progress, I will weigh myself weekly. I want to lose 2 pounds a week, so I will achieve my goal in 10 weeks.…
Many Americans struggle with difficulties of weight loss, not only losing the weight but keeping it off. Different methods are used for losing weight, such as, exercise, various types of dieting and some medically needed procedures. Even though weight loss is vital to many people’s careers and futures, it doesn’t mean that it’s easier for these people than it is for you and me. The difference is that most people have a state of mind that they can’t afford to fail. So they are willing to pay thousands of dollars for personal coaching and expensive surgical procedures to lose the weight and keep it off. On a long-term basis, there is only one safe, effective, foolproof way to get down to a lower weight and keep off the extra pounds. That is eating a healthier reduced-calorie diet and getting enough exercise on a daily basis. Many have come to think that eating fewer calories means eating less food. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to walk around in a state of deprivation. A feeling of deprivation is the surest way to make your weight-loss plan fail. Most people find themselves eating more food when they deprive themselves. Most first-time dieters don’t enjoy counting calories because they quickly discover that it is time consuming and can become a complicated chore. Calorie counting goes hand in hand with feeling deprived that sometimes causes a person to back away from their diet.…