To: Rebecca Settle, Instructor
From: Milissia Henry
Subject of my paper: Mountaintop Removal
Why this topic is relevant and why writing about this topic will be beneficial to me: This topic is relevant because so many people are against it and doesn’t know all the facts about mountaintop removal. Writing about mountaintop removal is beneficial to me because after working on the strip mines for almost ten years I want to help people see how it benefits everyone by giving not just miners a job but to help keep the mom and pop stores up and running in the community where the mining is taking place. Also to help the people of the communities to see how beautiful the land is after the mining companies go back and do reclamation work on the …show more content…
How it helps people everywhere by giving them jobs.
2. People do not realize all the tests that are required to keep everything safe, for example: water samples are taken daily and tested daily.
3. How there is so many inspectors and well trained supervisors and miners on each job.
4. How the mining companies work with and help with the communities where they are mining.
5. How beautiful the land is after being reclaimed.
Approach to the subject of my paper: I will first introduce my paper with an explanation of what mountaintop removal is. Then, I will use my knowledge from working on the strip mining job. I will also discuss how mountaintop removal is not as bad as most people make it out to be.
Intended audience: My intended audience would be coal miners, people of the communities where strip mining is done, or anyone, really who has vested interest in the strip mining (mountaintop removal) in America today.
Documentation style: [MLA Format]
Kinds of sources I will use and why they will benefit my paper: I will be using sources that both are for and against my stance. Furthermore, I plan to use articles from peer-reviewed papers and newspapers from EBSCO, also one web