The movie “Titanic” takes place in 1912 and is based on the wreckage of the ship, and a love story. Rose is the main character of the movie; Rose is the fiancé of Cal, Cal’s father owns a big business in Pittsburgh. Rose’s mother wants her to marry Cal for his money. Rose didn’t want to marry Cal, so in the beginning she is about to commit suicide when she meets Jack. Cal then shows up and questions both of them and Rose makes up a story, she says she wanted to see the view and almost fell off when Jack saved her. Cal buys it, and Rose and Jack become good friends. She asks Jack to take a portrait of her wearing nothing but the necklace, (the necklace is a present from Cal ironically) he agrees and draws her, and then they go into a car in the middle of the ship and make love afterwards. Then they go up just in time to see the ship hit the iceberg. Cal sees the portrait and necklace stored in the safe, and Cal frames Jack for stealing the necklace to have him arrested by slipping it into Jack’s pocket. Jack is arrested and handcuffed to a pole. Rose gets an axe and cuts him free after she runs away from Cal, Cal tricks Rose and says if she gets on the lifeboat he will make arrangements to get Jack and him on another lifeboat, but she finds out he’s lying. Rose wouldn’t leave Jack and she jumps back onto the ship with him, the ship then breaks in half and sinks completely. Cal gets away on another boat by pretending he’s taking care of a child. After the ship sinks they swim to some wreckage and Rose gets onto a table that doesn’t have room for Jack. They talk for a while until Jack finally releases his grip on the table and drifts to the bottom of the ocean; Rose is later saved by a rescue lifeboat.
My reaction: it was a really sad movie, and I think there was room for Jack on that table, but that’s just my opinion. The historical value of the movie is unknown as far as the love story goes, some of the details may be mixed