The police called the military and they instantly knew what was going on. military and they instantly sent in nearly the whole military force to contain the monster. Once the military had arrived …show more content…
He also was growing so profusely because of all the things he was putting into his body. Soon the military had requested backup from other of the branches. One soldier radioed in, "We need back up at grove street!"
Then the radio replied, "We're sending in the rest of our forces, soon we'll have to call in the army and air force."
"Roger that." The soldier yelled through the gunfire and screams.
Right after, the soldier was swallowed whole. Then Mr. Adamson woke up inside of the monster. He was almost digested, but because the monster grew to 80 feet he was able to fit inside the monster and survive from the stomach acid on top of a car. He saw the soldier with the radio on his back, but he was not as fortunate to come in one piece. Mr. Adamson then knew that he had to get to that radio and obtain a few weapons.
He had a path of debris to get to the soldiers remains. He hopped from car to car and to building. At one point he was standing on one of the biggest sky scrapers in the city. He had made it to the soldiers remains grabbed the guns and tried to speak into the radio but, unsurprisingly, no one responded because he was inside a monster after all. Then he investigated the soldiers' book bag and saw that there was a mission brief in his bag on the