They had told Erin that, even though it’s been many decades since the end of the war, Mr. Mckutchin just still can't let go his enjoyment of the evil things he did during the combat. And, if you listen carefully at night, you can hear the cries of anguish and torment coming from the people he tortures in his house. His killing spree still living on in the form of his psychotic delusions and sick fantasies that he takes out on unsuspecting victims that he convinces to show up at his house.
When Erin and her father arrived at Party Town, Erin was feeling well again and in better spirits, and the sight of so many costumes’ to choose from had her feeling dizzy with excitement. “I'm gonna be a ballerina. No, I'm gonna be a fairy. No, I'm gon—” “Why don’tcha be something scary?” asked her father. “You're always supposed to dress as something scary on Halloween.” “No! I don't want to be something scary. I wanna... I wanna... I wanna be a princess.” “Okay, honey. Let’s see what they have in princess costumes for my little