Human Resources Management
BSG 202
Dr. Mohammed Abbas
Human Resources Management Project
Osman Mirza
I work in a medium level yet well-established Contracting company named ‘Al Mina General Contracting LLC.’ This is a family business commenced by my father over thirty years ago. The general operating functions of the Human Resources functions within our company are as follows:
1) Owners/Partners
2) Higher Level Management
3) Lower Level Management
4) Foremen/Supervisors
5) Skilled Labor/Masons/Carpenters/Steel fixers/etc.
Certain parts of these above mentioned staffing measures are of the founding entities whereas the others have been a more evolved set of positions that have been filled though strenuous experience and continuous growth and increasing of knowledge in respects to the position and the required functionality and responsibilities of the Job or Task that requires that position in the first place as I shall cover briefly through this report.
HR Development
Human Resource Development or HRD as it is commonly known is the name given to the parameters within which workers and employees are given the opportunity to develop a variety of professional skills and traits such as organizational skills, abilities and knowledge, general know how on operations on the firm. Certain performance management, mentoring, coaching, performance management and organizational development are opportunities that are presented to one within HRD.
The main target of all HRD is to develop the most sophisticated and elite workforce possible from the resources one pertains. Generally Organizations have human resource development within and outside the workplace. In Contracting this may take place in form of On Site Training, Technical school training that the workers may have adhered to previous to commencing work, learning from skilled and experienced workers or