If you plan for a year, plant a seed,
If you plan for ten years, plant a tree.
If for hundred years educate the people,
When you sow a seed once, you will reap a single harvest. When you teach the people, you can reap hundred harvests.
I believe there is a power within each one of us. The god within us is only doing everything. Every birth has a purpose and my purpose is discovering budding stars of the future generation, by educating them in a holistic curriculum. Every action is guided and instigated by our almighty.
I can only give what I have, so I need to have before, I develop the desire to give, it’s an entitlement to love others.
Life of an individual is a process of evolution. It evolves from individual to social interpersonal and then again individual stage.
There’s no he, she you or I. All are made up of the same content, came from the same source and go back to the same source. This understanding will break all the difference of opinions within us.
“Think positive! Be creative!! And challenge yourself in a new way”
“Change yourself to change everything”
Principal Tmt. VARALAKSHMI RAVIKUMAR, M.A., M.Phil. B.Ed.
Learn ! Enlighten !! Lead!!! Mission:
To make the children to learn innovately, to enlighten themselves with good knowledge and to lead the soceity in a prosperous way. Vision: Hardwork and perseverence confidently leads to success.
Our aim is to impart standardized education in a sophisticated curriculum. Our future ambition is to bring up our institution as a reputed arts and science college to serve the rural children.
Blue star a tiny mustard seed sown 25 years ago by the founder and correspondent Meivazhi Ravikumar, has now grown up to the majestic height of a mighty tree.
The zeal love and enthusiasm imbibed by the president of blue star educational society Smt. Varalakshmi Ravi Kumar has illuminated and engraved an ineffable stamp in the lives of many. It has been started in the year 1985 with 6 students and it has been upgraded as a primary school in the year 1990 with a rapid growth by imparting a standardized education to the nearby rural downtrodden and the underprivileged in society. In the year 1999 our school has been accorded the recognition of a full-fledged high school with strength of seven hundred and fifty students. Right from the first year of recognition our school has been performing with a perpetual performance of excellence of bringing out centum results in S.S.L.C Public Examinations with remarkable results. In the year 2010 our school has been upgraded as a higher secondary school by the Directorate of School Education with all state of art infrastructure facilities. Now a new higher secondary block has been constructed along with a modern kid zone with all sophisticated amenities. Nearly 1000 students are undergoing education with a holistic co- educational residential pattern by the distinguished dedicated ambition of the blue star educational society.
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