Cosmo Girl ditujukan utk ank SMP & SMA (girl)
Deadline tulisan, iklan, atau graphic ,sangat ketat & connected with the printing department.
Setiap Majalah pnya marketing strategy sndiri & have premium Magazine[1] and they have own business development.
Some company send their proposal to them, usually a big event plan, but it also help to make people more aware towards their brands, MRA is more to sampling and branding. Web profiles yg masuk, jg bnyak and help to improve the branding also.
Redaksi ngurus content, % of ads..
There is 3 local magazine in MRA
Cosmo girl have 90% local issues but, there is also pictures from US, etc.
Different departments in MRA usually meet together in advertorial part. advertise + editorial = advertorial
Ada jg dept of media n Business relation or MBR
Market strategy applied ; Soft Cell or pull strategy cth : “Swift” ,iklan mobil di cosmogirl! Tapi dy jg represent model dgn latest fashion trends, and promote fashion brands also.
MRA is more to soft sell than hard sell, ttpi smua depends on the client
Media Value : client yg punya barang, dy maw kasi reader voucher, blackberry, prodksi itu client pnya bias any mlalui promo quiz d majalah MRA. Client pnya company, popularityny naek, awareness of the magazine jg slain itu, klo langganan, bias any d twarkan souvenir ato harga yg jauh lbih murah.
MRA also have membership card, yg d dpet klo berlangganan, bisa dpet diskon ,(bias any 10%) dan bisa d pkai d hard rock, fun world, etc
Cosmo girl n MRA bkn acara which give out free magazines, also cooperate with talkshow brands, radio, company, or roadshow
Bentuk market segment : musi d liat, worthed atau gak, di Indo, kalo mau bli franchise mjlah luar.. almost all look like, but the diff is in the positioning, and angle. They also do market research for good positioning
There is als merchandising dept. bias any audit free merchandise & sesuaikan dgn trend” di Indo. Dari thun lalu bias any ud