Level 3 Salon Management (QCF)600/1395/3
Be able to make a positive contribution to run a business effectively
|Assignment hand in date: early on time late |
|Date returned to student: early on time late |
|Re submit date |
Tutor feedback:
Future hints & tips/Feed forward:
Student Actions: Identify clear points and deadlines that you will follow to allow you to complete these tasks.
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
|Tutors signature Date |
|Student signature Date |
Be able to make a positive contribution to run a business effectively
After studying this unit and gaining underpinning knowledge you should be able to competently: • Have extensive knowledge and demonstrate skills in effective communication in the work place. • Have extensive knowledge on appraisals, target setting, providing advice and guidance to employees and colleagues. • Effectively maintain clear and accurate records. • Demonstrate a clear understanding of business practice and relevant current legislation.
Key Skill Linkage
Communication: C3.1a, C3.2 Discussion, read and summarise information.
Working with others L3: WWO3.2 working towards objectives. WWOL2: WWO2.1, WW02.2, WWO2.3