As a group we did not achieve all of our goals, as we completed only 42% of our goals. I personally as the leader of the group completed 51% of my goals. We only successfully completed the medical challenge and failed everything else. Prior to starting the simulation, as a group we listed everyone’s goals and worth total for completions. After ranking all the goals from most important due to point worth and least, we decided as a team which goals we would forfeit in order to obtain the most points. The main problem with planning our decisions beforehand was that our plan did not account for other variables and problems that we would encounter on the mountain.
After hiking to the first camp, Katherine, our environmentalist, begins to get physically sick. We later learned that Walle, our forecaster, predicts the weather. Collectively as a group we decided to undershoot the weather due to the decreasing trend.
At the second …show more content…
In retrospect as a team we failed to properly communicate on the mountain. This simulation was useful in terms of learning how each member functions and communicates in a group setting. I personally am a visual learner and prefer to visualize my tasks and problems before attacking each one. In this simulation, as a group we only communicated information, which lead to information getting lost. To be able to display information would prove beneficial in making decisions. I would like to take the time in thanking you for providing this simulation and taking the time to read my analysis of my