For: Joe Najm
Date: Tuesday, April 15th, 2014
By: Rayan Al-Hebshi
HA HA HAA The issue that has been a conflict of our nation for many years; should Quebec separate from Canada? My Canada includes Quebec for so many reasons. It is for the benefit of both sides but it is definitely much more beneficial for Quebec. Quebecois are far too dependent on the Canadian Government for support in so many aspects of their life, they can’t even process what separating from Canada would do to their province, negatively. On top of that, if Quebec would ever separate they would have far too many issues to deal with, which just simply would not let Canada look good, especially to other countries that consider us as one of the best. There are many different perspectives to look at when considering such an important topic but this is just a step that I think does not need to be taken Even though Quebecois believe that they will be a sovereign nation once separated from Canada, I do not believe that they are even close to being ready to handle some of the major responsibilities that would come their way. Once they would separate it would mean that any funding that they receive from Canada, which in 2013-2014 was approximately 18 billion dollars, would be down to zero, making it a must for Quebecois to pay more taxes or pay for everything out of their own pocket. Supports to their health care system would stop, there would be no more support for Quebec's post-secondary education, social assistance and social services, including; early childhood development, early learning and childcare. They would have to create their own currency, military and other infrastructure funds because I don’t think Canadian taxpayers would appreciate their money going to another country at that point. They would also have the First Nations People and their large reserves that would not want to separate, making Quebec’s final borders much smaller. That does