I am writing this letter to you to thank you so much for all that you have done for me throughout the years. I don’t remember when I was just a toddler but my mom has told me that she never raised me because she had to work at all times. You were the one that took care of me, fed me, kept me entertained and basically raised me. You were the one I that I was looking up to and you have taught me so much discipline and manners grandma. You have made me the gentleman that I am today. You are so organized and neat and you love to work and cook. This has taught me a lot and has set a good example for me because I grew up being respectful to everybody and I have made a good name for myself wherever I had went. You had a medical degree in school and you have always tried to explain to me how important school is and that one day I need a career to provide for a family. This is why I have always taken school seriously and Ill never forget how much school means to you granny. And one day I’m going to receive my medical degree just to see that smile on your face and to extend your lifespan. I’m going to make you the happiest grandma in the world one day and this I promise you. I hope this makes you happy when you see it and I want to thank you so much for all the knowledge you have passed on to me. I love you so much grandma, stay up!
Klevis Vulaj