school. Over the months I started to become more resposible with my work. I realized highschool wasnt as easy as middle school was. In the beggin of the 1st semester my grades weren't that grate. For example in my english class I was failing I would complete my work nor I turnwed in late work. Thats when I realized I have be more resonsible with my assignments.
On the first day of school I didnt socialized with many people because I didnt know them. In my advisory that is when I started to talking to more of my classmates and got along with most of them. By the monnths past I started to talk to more people and made new friends. In class I was getting more comftoable because that when I started knowing everyone in my class so I felt more comtable talking to my classmates. When a classmate needed help rhem. When I have a conflct with someone I a not afraid to tell them what I feel, I would even ask them what is there problem so we can solve it out.
Somethings I still need to improve on is turning in my assignments on time because there is many times that I have assignments late and esspecially in my class of cultual geogrqpahy that class is one that I need to improve on. Another thing I need to improve on is always checking over my work becaue there can be sometimes where I just want to get my work done so I so it as fast as I can and somethimes my work isn't correct.