I was determined and strived for what I wanted to get and I did it. Another improvement was my muscular endurance, the number of pushups. At the beginning of this semester, I was a little scared to do pushups because I’m not very good at it and I don’t do them properly when I try to. When I first did push-ups I did 6 push-ups and that’s wasn’t so bad for me, but I could of done much better so I put my goal as 7 for pushups. Mid- semester, we did push-ups again and I got 5 push-ups which were lower than at the beginning of the semester and my goal for mid-semester so I just had to push myself to do a lot better so I put 9 as my goal for pushups. The end of the semester came and this was the last time we were going to do push-ups and I did 10 push-ups and I was amazed of how at the beginning of the semester and mid- semester the number of pushups I could do kept going up and down but when I aimed to do better this time and worked hard it happened. Previously in grade 9, when we did the fitness assessment and it came to doing push-ups I could barely do 1 but now I could 10 pushups. These are my personal achievements and improvements in the fitness
I was determined and strived for what I wanted to get and I did it. Another improvement was my muscular endurance, the number of pushups. At the beginning of this semester, I was a little scared to do pushups because I’m not very good at it and I don’t do them properly when I try to. When I first did push-ups I did 6 push-ups and that’s wasn’t so bad for me, but I could of done much better so I put my goal as 7 for pushups. Mid- semester, we did push-ups again and I got 5 push-ups which were lower than at the beginning of the semester and my goal for mid-semester so I just had to push myself to do a lot better so I put 9 as my goal for pushups. The end of the semester came and this was the last time we were going to do push-ups and I did 10 push-ups and I was amazed of how at the beginning of the semester and mid- semester the number of pushups I could do kept going up and down but when I aimed to do better this time and worked hard it happened. Previously in grade 9, when we did the fitness assessment and it came to doing push-ups I could barely do 1 but now I could 10 pushups. These are my personal achievements and improvements in the fitness