Responsibilities means: the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. Some
responsibilities that U.S citizens have are to support and defend the constitution. Stay informed of the issues affecting the community that you’re living in. You can participate in the democratic process. You must respect and obey federal, state and local laws. You can participate in your local communities. You must serve on a Jury when you are called upon. You can defend the country if you need should arise. Having rights means: A moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way. Some rights that Americans have in America are that you have the freedom to express yourself in any matter. You have the freedom to worship as you wish. You have the right to prompt fair trial by Jury. You have the right to vote in elections for public officials. You have the right to apply for federal employment required by U.S citizenship. You have the right to run for elected office. You have the freedom to pursue, “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Also, with citizenship you are expected to respect and represent your country in a positive way. Citizenship should not be taken for granted. To become a citizen of America is free. I think it's a great deal to become a citizen of the USA. Many people will come into America illegally but really do want to be apart of the United States of America, but they can't or just don't want to at the time. I'm am proud to be an American and a citizen of the USA.