Opportunities and experiences have grown for me unlike for my parents when they were my age. Both of my parents are brown and Indian. They grew up in a poor village in India with scarce opportunities. They both soon came to America in hopes of living the American dream but faced many challenges along the way. They were unfamiliar with the American culture which includes the norms values language symbols gestures and sanctions. They struggled to learn English they fought to understand the laws and they were patient and understanding American values. Without the efforts of my parents put into understanding this country and becoming functional members of society I would be very lost and unprepared into the world I was entering. I was educated through networks of people including my parents about our system of government and bureaucracy and began to understand the technical aspect of how the world works . I learned that in a bureaucracy there are rules and regulations to be followed. My parents also taught me how to present myself to others whether it be in conversation interviews or presentations. Impression management comes into play because this is when you influence someone's opinion about someone or something by controlling certain information you give out. Not only did impression management help me as a person who wants to advance her …show more content…
I consider myself to be feminine which has various positive and negative responses to you. The female sex is not always treated equally to men in society. Women have been given the job of being only feminine. Meaning they clean the house they cook dinner they stay home and take care of the kids and basically sit and look pretty. Women have had lower pay rates than men are usually never considered for a high-ranking position such as a CEO aren't the main focus when it comes to participating in sports and so much more sexist stereotypes. The advantages of being feminine was that I pushed myself to work even harder than I usually would in order to prove others wrong. I aced all my classes I played football my junior year of high school I was senior class president and I started a cultural Asian club called Asian student Association. When society challenged me I always pushed back because society structure and norms are constantly