Writing is a part of our daily lives, and the significance of it expands as we grow older. It’s a skill that’s useful whether you’re writing a letter, or a cover letter for your resume. Writing is a form of expression. Therefore, it is as vital as communication. Every writing process is unique for each author because they have a diverse approach to writing in their lives. I have been through many ways of writing to find what I think work best for me. Although, I was taught many dissimilar types of writing styles. However, I found myself follow the similar format of writing process for every paper. The preparation of an essay is what matters most to me. Therefore, I put much …show more content…
I reread to see if my paper is well organized. The first thing I want to reconsider is the content. To see if my contents are not off topic. My claims should have evidence to back it up. My sources should be up to date. Secondly, the structure of my essay. I need to make sure that my introduction, body, and conclusion are appropriate. The body paragraphs should relate to the thesis. The paragraphs should be in the right consequences. Each paragraphs need to have a topic sentence and stick to the main idea. Thirdly, the transparency of my phrases is essential. My purpose is to make it easy for the audience to understand what I’m trying to say. Some sentences, or words may be unclear to the readers. I try to avoid words that I don’t fully understand because I might misuse …show more content…
Some people think revision is just correcting grammars mistake, that’s proof-reading. Revision is where I rethink my paper. I will review my main points, my purpose, and consider my arguments. Revision is critical because it give me a chance to look at my paper to see if something is worth saying, and if the readers understand what I’m trying to say. Most of the time I don’t see what’s not needed and what’s missing at the first try writing the rough draft. Revising takes a lot of time. Therefore, I always give myself plenty of time before my paper is due. When I work on my revision, I follow these tips. I work from a printed copy, nothing is easier for the eyes to work on the screen. I read the paper out loud as I revise. Sometimes the words I write don’t make sense when I say it out loud. This helps me make the sentences flow in the essay. My usual mistake is that I fall in love with what I write. Therefore I tend to be hesitant to change a phrase that doesn’t belong. Sometimes, I even build a whole paragraph around it. This makes it difficult and irrelevant for my paper. Hence, I stop acting like I’m married to a sentence. Instead, I act like I’m dating it, to see if we’re compatible. If there’s a better statement that comes along, it’s time to let go of the old one. Revision is a way for me to rethink what I wrote, and improve my essay