1. to show us the way the human race thought and felt during those times.
2. The Iliad by homer
3. They show how much early Greeks had progressed from primitive men.
4. As humans progressed, he became more aware of what they needed from the gods.
5. It is an account of the creation of the universe and the gods, and is an important piece of mythology.
Chapter 1 & 2
1. The universe created the gods.
2. Heaven and earth. Their children were the titans and the titans children were the gods
3. It was the Olympians home and was usually thought of on top of a mountain but no mortal could go there.
4. Jupiter, Pluto, Diana, Mercury, Vesta
5. Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus
6. Priests and priestesses in the sacred grove interpreted rustling of the oak leaves
7. The breastplate of Zeus was the aegis and had Medusa's face on it. Zeus’s tree was the oak tree and his bird was the eagle.
8. Hera is the wife and younger sister of Zeus
9. She was often cruel. She got jealous often, especially of Zeus's affairs and would get revenge on whoever it happened to be.
10. Poseidon and Hades. Poseidon ruled the sea and Hades ruled in the underworld.
11. Athena – she was the goddess of war, wisdom, She was the protector of civilized life.
She invented the bridle, and was the first to tame horses for men's use. She was known as the Maiden, or Parthenos, and her temple was the Parthenon. Athena symbolized wisdom, reason, and purity.
Apollo – He was an Archer, a Healer and a very good athlete. he played the golden lyre, His oracle at
Delphi was a was used to connect gods and men
12. Hestia (Vesta) was the Goddess of the Hearth. Offerings were made to her in all homes even though she doesnt appear in many myths.
Hephaestus – He is the god of fire was the God of Fire. He made the armor and furniture for the gods.
13. Wings, so that he could get around faster
14. Poseidon, The Titan Ocean, Nereus, Proteus, and The Naiads