Entrepreneurship I - 2.09 Understands the concepts, processes, and skills associated with identifying new ideas, opportunities, and methods and with creating or starting a new project or venture
------ Explain tools used by entrepreneurs for venture planning ------
An important part of business in the modern world is technology. Entrepreneurs have many choices in software that make planning and managing a business easier. Your job is to research software available to entrepreneurs.
Business Planning Software
Define the purpose of this software. How does this software assist an entrepreneur?
1. Software example #1
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
2. Software example #2
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
3. Software example #3
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
Bookkeeping Software
Define the purpose of this software. How does this software assist an entrepreneur?
1. Software example #1
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
2. Software example #2
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
3. Software example #3
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
Budgeting Software
Define the purpose of this software. How does this software assist an entrepreneur?
1. Software example #1
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
2. Software example #2
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
3. Software example #3
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
Financial Analysis Software
Define the purpose of this software. How does this software assist an entrepreneur?
1. Software example #1
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
2. Software example #2
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software
3. Software example #3
a. Website
b. Co$t
c. Advantage of this particular software