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The knowledge, skills and understandings relating to students’ writing have been drawn from the Statements of Learning for English.
Students are taught a variety of forms of writing at school. The three main forms of writing (also called genres or text types) that are taught are narrative writing, informative writing and persuasive writing. In the writing tests, students are provided with a ‘writing stimulus' (sometimes called a prompt – an idea or topic) and asked to write a response in a particular genre or text type.
The writing task targets the full range of student capabilities expected of students from Years 3 to 9. The same stimulus is used for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The lines in the response booklet for Year 3 students are more widely spaced than for Years 5, 7 and 9 and more capable students will address the topic at a higher level. The same marking guide is used to assess all students' writing, allowing for a national comparison of student writing capabilities across these year levels.
Writing genre for 2014 NAPLAN tests
In 2014, the genre of the prompt will not be disclosed prior to the test period. The writing test will require students to respond to either a persuasive or narrative writing prompt.
Assessing the writing task
Students’ writing will be marked by assessors who have received intensive training in the application of a set of ten writing criteria. The writing criteria for both persuasive and narrative writing are summarised below.
Persuasive writing
Marking criterion Description of persuasive writing marking criterion
The writer’s capacity to orient, engage and persuade the reader
Text structure The organisation of the structural components of a persuasive text (introduction, body and conclusion)