Exiled to Elba * 1812 Napoleon launches an invasion against the Russians * 1814, Napoleon forces surrendered and he offered to step down in favor of his son * His offer was rejected and he signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau, he agreed to abdicate in exchange for which he was given the tiny Kingdom of Ebla, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea * May 3, 1814 Napoleon arrives on the island of Elba * He brought ambitious plans to reform government and a personal escorts of 1000 men, and a household of staff * An island of 12,000 inhabitants in the Mediterranean, 20 km off the Tuscan coast * Napoleon attempted suicide with a pill he had carried since a near-capture by Russians on the retreat from Moscow however, its potency had weakened with age, and he survived to be exiled while his wife and son took refuge in Austria * Evening of February 26 , 1815 Napoleon takes advantage of temporary absence of the English custodian, Colonel Campbell * Under the cover of night, he silently slipped away with a from the island and returned to the mainland * He traveled through areas where he knew he had support and about 500,000 volunteers joined him * Escapes with a small army and headed to Paris, proclaimed the renewal of his empire * The French may have found Louis XVIII reasonable, however, they feared the royalists and clergy who were attacking the reforms that had come into effect since 1789 * Also the magic of Napoleon’s name and the glory of his rule been forgotten
Battle of Waterloo * Return of Napoleon united the powers at Vienna, and agreed to raise and army under the Duke of Wellington * June 8, 1815 near the town of Waterloo, Belgium the 100 days campaign starts * June 8, 1815 near the town of Waterloo, Belgium 100 days campaign starts * June 18, 1815 Duke of Wellington occupied the ridge of Mont St. Jean