America became a country on July 4th, 1776; over 240 years ago. That’s greater than 240 years of generations of people trying to define what it means to be an American, but few still stand true today from that long ago. Being accepting of others, not only other ethnic groups but fellow Americans as well, is one way in which things have not changed from the first American generation to the latest. One of the longest standing traits of the “poster child” American is being courageous, whether it be to earn our freedom or to fight for our rights as a civilization. Taking pride in our country is one of the oldest, and strongest, qualities of an American that was so important in the forming of our country and of equal importance, if not more so, today. Our generation defines what it means to be an American with the simple, and somewhat original, manner of being accepting of others, being courageous, and taking pride in our country.…