Today is the day I become 18. Now I am old enough to become an agent! I get in my car I like to call Rust Bucket. It’s a run down car from 1999 and the only thing holding it together is duct tape. I get to this building that looked very high-tech. I walk in and the secretary greets me with a kind and gentle “Hello”
`I respond with “Hi I am here for the job interview.” She slowly got up walk over and showed me to an elevator.
She then said, “press this button and walk in, the boss will be waiting for you in the room to the right”.
I walk in, then press the button, I get up walk into the room and a man with a fancy suit that looked like it was thousands of dollars and his hair the color of a gray crayon. I sit down at the desk he stared at me looked up and down, got up and walked out of the room. I sat there confused, a few moments after that I turned around and gasped there were men in black hoodies and masks sprinting right at me. For the last two years I have been training in Taekwondo and I am a certified black