I can not remember when it was exactly that I learned to read, but I can say for sure that reading has always been a passion of mine. Unfortunately, at my house reading was not something praised, for there were even instances where books got thrown away. This due to the fact, that according to my father, “they were useless”. Yet, seeing his disapproval in books did not stop me from reading, but pushed me to try harder in math, what he referred to as “the only relevant subject”, yet my best did not satisfy him. I did not allow this lack of support to bring me down, but instead let it remind me that I was my own motivation. My academics were never something that was monitored or enforced by my
I can not remember when it was exactly that I learned to read, but I can say for sure that reading has always been a passion of mine. Unfortunately, at my house reading was not something praised, for there were even instances where books got thrown away. This due to the fact, that according to my father, “they were useless”. Yet, seeing his disapproval in books did not stop me from reading, but pushed me to try harder in math, what he referred to as “the only relevant subject”, yet my best did not satisfy him. I did not allow this lack of support to bring me down, but instead let it remind me that I was my own motivation. My academics were never something that was monitored or enforced by my